Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Virbahu leaves for battle

Ravana was wondering whom to send next. Whomever he sent, did not come back alive.
In the heaven there was a gandharva called Chitrasen, whose daughter Chitrangada had been abducted by Ravana. A son was born off Chitrangada and Ravana. This son was called Virbahu. A pious boy, he was a devotee of Rama. He prayed to Brahma. Pleased Brahma granted him an elephant. The elephant was equal in strength to Airavata. Brahma also told Virbahu that with the help of the elephant he would win battles and the day the elephant dies, he would die too. Brahma also said Virbahu would have devotion towards Vishnu and would at the end of his life, go to heaven, 

Virbahu did not live in Lanka but he had told Ravana to call him, whenever there was a need. 

Virbahu hearing of the war in Lanka came to meet Ravana. He also wanted to meet Rama and get a glimpse of him. 
When Virbahu entered Lanka he was surprised. There were corpses of vanaras and rakshasas lying around. He saw burnt houses all around. The ocean had been bridged with rocks and trees. Dogs, jackals and vultures were feasting on the corpses. 

He rose to the sky on his elephant and on the western side he saw Rama and Lakshmana along with Vibhishana. He silently bowed down to all of them. 

He then went to meet Ravana. Ravana was sitting on the ground, tears flowing from his eyes. Ravana was wondering whom to send for battle when Virbahu came and stood before him. 

Virbahu wanted to know the reason for the carnage. Ravana said Rama had been exiled by his brother who had taken over the kingdom. He roamed the forests along with his brother and wife. When Surpanakha went there to collect flowers, her ears and nose was cut off. I abducted Rama's wife. Rama with vanaras came to Lanka. Now Kumbhakarna and other great heroes are dead. 

Virbahu said he would go to battle. He thought death in the hands of Rama would mean going to heaven. His mother hearing this came running and asked him why he wished to go to war when there were so many who had died. 
Virbahu said - If I do not go, who will go? If I die in war, I will go straight to heaven. 

Along with great commanders, Virbahu left for battle. 

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