Monday, 15 August 2016

Ravana decides to go to battle

Ravana had tears in his eyes. He had pride, he would not give up. He also knew he was fighting a battle that he would not win.
He decided to go to battle.
Mandodari stopped him when he was on his way. She said -People say you are a wise, learned man. I am a woman and you may try to ignore me. You should recollect that if the wife is a well wisher, her words should be heard. You have ruled Lanka for years. When did you see vanaras cross the ocean. Rama is none other than Vishnu. Return Sita. Leave the battle.

Ravana said If I return Sita now, Vibhishana will laugh at me. I will not be able to stand that. The Gods will also laugh. Go and sit in peace. Maybe I will die, shot by Rama, but I will not be able to return Sita.

Mandodari said It is my destiny. In bad times, good advice is not heeded. I will still say this. Rama is Vishnu. Sita is Lakshmi. You have made enemies of one whom you should have worshiped.

Ravana said I know Sita is Lakshmi. People die to get a vision of Lakshmi. I have her in house for months. That Rama, whom people die to get a vision of, is thinking of me all the time. If I die in the hands of Rama, know for sure that Yama will not be able to do anything. I will be going straight to Vaikuntha. My destiny is greater than others. Control your grief and go to your room.

Mandodari, with tears in her eyes, took the names of Gods and let Ravana go for his battle.

Ravana got his chariot ready and climbed up on that.

Ravana started a fierce battle. Brahma saw this and asked Indra to send a chariot for Rama. Indra sent his celestial chariot with Matali, his charioteer, controlling the chariot.  Along with the chariot, Indra also sent armor for Rama and weapons.

Rama bowed down to Matali and climbed up on the chariot. 

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