Friday, 2 September 2016

Mandodari's grief

Mandodari was heart broken. She cried - Please get up My Lord. Lanka is empty. One who slept on royal beds, now sleeps in dust. I have nothing to look forward to. All this happened because you got Sita over. You should not have listened to your sister, Surpanakha.

Vibhishana asked Mandodari to control herself. He said I had asked Ravana to return Sita but he did not listen.

Mandodari, holding Ravana's head in her lap said I want to see that person who killed my lord.

With her clothes flying around, hair unkempt, Mandodari went to have a glimpse of Rama.
She bowed down at the feet of Rama. Rama thinking Sita had come, blessed the queen.

Mandodari said Why do you bless me thus? I am the daughter of the demon Maya. I am Mandodari, who was wedded to Ravana. That Ravana, who had subdued all the Gods. I ma the mother of Indrajit, who had captured Indra. You are blessing me with long life, after my husband is no more. You are Narayana. How could you thus bless me?

Rama said Stop grieving. Ravana is in heaven. You will live long, in hearts of people.

Rama then asked Vibhishana to arrange for the last rites of Ravana.

Ravana was bathed in the waters of the river and sandal paste was applied to his body. He was clad in wonderful clothes. A pyre was placed on the banks of the ocean and Vibhishana had Ravana placed on the pyre.

With tears in his eyes, Vibhishana lit the pyre.

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