Thursday, 13 October 2016

Ravana and Yama

The sage continuing said - Ravana kept looking for battle. One day, he came across Narada. Narada said people on earth were unhappy as they had to go to Yama, once their time on earth was over.
Ravana decided to go and fight Yama. Narada decided to follow and see the Ravana Yama battle.
Before Ravana, Narada went where Yama was sitting. Yama greeted teh sage and asked him why he had come to visit him, leaving the Three Gods (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) aside.
Narada said he had come to warn him about Ravana who was on his way for battle.
Yama looked and in the distance he could see Ravana coming, riding the Pushpaka chariot.

Ravana went through the eastern gate. He saw the pious and truthful ones being worshiped. In their earlier lives, the ones who had donated cows to brahmans, were swimming in pools of milk and butter. The one who had provided shelter to the homeless was now relaxing on golden cots.  He saw the ones who had been devotees of Vishnu, being treated with utmost care.

Ravana then crossed to the western and the northern gates and saw people being treated very well. He then proceeded towards the southern gate. This was a very dark area.There Ravana saw people being drowned in vats of oil and some being whipped. Hearing their pleas for help, Ravana went there. Ravana knew that he had sinned and he was affected by what he was seeing.

Rama asked the helpers of Yama to stop the torture. The helpers said they were just doing their duty and giving punishment to the people for what they had done in their lifetime. They said to Ravana that they were also keeping track of his sins and would be seeing him soon.

This angered Ravana. He started shooting arrows at the helpers. Seeing Ravana defeating his helpers, Yama, son of Surya, came out to fight, in his chariot.
A fierce battle started. Yama seeing no option, lifted up his noose, that he carried in his hand.

Brahma came to Yama and said Ravana was destined to die in the hands of Vishnu, born as a human. The noose of Yama would have no effect. Yama kept the noose down. In the battle. Ravana's army fled and soon Ravana alone was there, fighting.
The battle was terrible and none was able to defeat the other. On advise of Brahma, Ravana made himself invisible.

Ravana was happy thinking Yama fled, afraid of him. Ravana l

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