Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Maricha defeated

The princes rested that night and next day they were ready. They went to Vishwamitra and asked for his permission to complete the task, for which they had been brought.

The sages there said there were about to start their sacrifice. As soon they would start, demons led by the son of Taraka would start splattering blood on the fire, and the sacrifice would be spoilt.

Rama asked the sages to start their sacrifice and he would stand guard there. Hearimg Rama, the sages gathered their kusha grass stalks and went to the place where they would perform the sacrifice. Some sat on kusha seats and some sat on seats made from skin of tigers.

They started chanting the Vedas. Such was the power, that the fire of the sacrifice came up on its own.

The smoke from sacrifice reached the sky and Maricha smelling that, came forward, with his troupe to destroy the sacrifice.

The sages made a sign to Rama that Maricha was coming.

Rama and Lakshmama started shotting arrows. The rocks and trees being hurled at the princes were futile. The aroows cut them off.

Soon Maricha's followers were all gone. Maricha, son of Taraka, was angry to see this. He came and attacked Rama and Lakshmana.

Maricha was showering arrows on Rama. Rama picked up the thunder weapon and hurled that at Maricha.

The Gods began thinking. If Rama killed Maricha, then how would Ravana kidnap Sita? So as soon as the weapon struck Maricha, instead of killing him, it flung the demon far away. He landed in Lanka.

He was changed. Taking the name of Rama, he decided to devote the rest of his life in meditation.

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