When Rama was seven years old, Sita was born in Mithila. She was found by Janaka when he was running the plough in his fields. Sita's beauty was incomparable. This was Lakshmi who was being brought up Janaka as his daughter.
When she lined by deer shaped eyes with kohl, it was difficult to make out if this was Durga or Lakshmi. When she walked, it looked like a swan in flight.
Janaka was wondering who the able husband for Sita would be.
Brahma and Indra were worried too. What if someone married Sita apart from Rama? They went to Kailasha. They asked Shiva to help protect Sita from all. Only Rama should be able to wed Sita.
Saying this Brahma and Indra left.
Shiva sent for Parashurama and asked him to carry his bow to Janaka. He further said, Parasuram should tell Janaka that his daughter will marry only that person who would able to break this bow. Only Narayana apart from Shiva had the ability to lift the bow.
Hearing Shiva's command, Parashurama left for Mithila. He was great to look at - matted hair on his head, two quivers on his back, an axe in a hand and the bow in the other.
Janaka welcomes Parashurama in Mithila.
When she lined by deer shaped eyes with kohl, it was difficult to make out if this was Durga or Lakshmi. When she walked, it looked like a swan in flight.
Janaka was wondering who the able husband for Sita would be.
Brahma and Indra were worried too. What if someone married Sita apart from Rama? They went to Kailasha. They asked Shiva to help protect Sita from all. Only Rama should be able to wed Sita.
Saying this Brahma and Indra left.
Shiva sent for Parashurama and asked him to carry his bow to Janaka. He further said, Parasuram should tell Janaka that his daughter will marry only that person who would able to break this bow. Only Narayana apart from Shiva had the ability to lift the bow.
Hearing Shiva's command, Parashurama left for Mithila. He was great to look at - matted hair on his head, two quivers on his back, an axe in a hand and the bow in the other.
Janaka welcomes Parashurama in Mithila.
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