Rama sent for Nala. Nala came and bowed down at Rama's feet. Rama said I having problems crossing the ocean and you did not let me know you had the power to help me.
Nala said I am an ordinary vanara. There are bigger heroic vanaras in the group. How can I say something in front of them. Let me tell about my childhood days. I used to live near the lake Mansarovara. Brahma used to come to meditate at the banks of lake. I used to throw Brahma's kushi (a copper spoon used for worship) in the waters of the lake. Everyday Brahma would get a new kushi, and everyday I would throw it in the water. Brahma then said whatever you throw in the water anywhere, will float. If touched rocks and trees together, they would stick to each other. Brahma's boon will help me build a bridge for you. Let the vanaras get boulders, rocks and trees. I will use that to build a bridge in a month.
Sand, trees and rocks were thrown in the ocean and they stuck together and floated. Thus in a day, one yojana was finished. Taking the name of Rama, the vanaras began getting hills which were broken into pieces and placed in the ocean.
In places, on the bridge, small huts were built for Rama to stay in. The work proceeded smoothly.
Hanumana got a hill for Nala, and Nala took it using his left hand. This angered Hanumana. He got a huge mountain, broke it into two - and taking one part in his tail and the other in his hand, he moved swiftly towards Nala. Nala sensed Hanumana was angry, so he went to Rama and asked for help. Hanumana did not dare cross over Rama, so he came down and placed the mountain pieces there. Rama asked Hanumana the cause of his anger. Hanumana said when he got the rocks for Nala, he took them using his left hand, which was not a good sign.
Rama said do not loose your temper. A worker uses his left hand more and that should not anger you. Please concentrate on the actual objective. Rama had Nala and Hanumana hug each other and forget their differences. The mountain pieces that Hanumana had got were put on the bridge. Ten yojanas of the bridge became ready.
A bunch of squirrels seeing this decided to help. They rolled in the sand and went to the bridge and went and threw that sand there, filling the gaps.
Hanumana seeing this removed the squirrels from there. The squirrels went to Rama and told him that Hanumana was not letting them help.
Rama called Hanumana and told him what he had done was not good. Everyone was helping as much as they could and their efforts should be appreciated.
Hanumana realized his mistake.
Rama then placed his hand over the squirrel.
Hanumana went and told the other vanaras not to say anything to the squirrels.
Seventy yojanas were bridged in twenty days. Hanumana then jumped over to Lanka, broke pieces of the fencing and got that for the bridge building.
In a month, the bridge was built.
With the bridge completed, Nala went to Rama and reported the same. Rama pleased said I do not have anything to give you now except my blessing. When I am in Ayodhya, I will give you rare precious gems.
Nala said I do not need that. I need something else, which is priceless. I want you to place your foot my head- the foot that Lakshmi worships.
Ramam placed his right foot on Nala's head.
Ramam then said Let us all go to the bridge which Hanumana was guarding. Rama with Sugriva and Vibhishana went to the bridge.
Rama then said to Nala - Please erect a small place where I plan to worship Shiva. A small enclosure was made on the bridge and a white Shiva Linga was constructed there. Rama asked Hanumana to get him white lotuses. Hanumana set forth for Kailasha where the lotuses bloomed. Plucking a thousand lotus flowers, Hanumana got them for Rama.
Rama began his worship. Shiva came there and held his hands saying Why do you worship me Rama, when I worship you.
Rama said You are my Lord and I am a devotee of yours. Please accept my worship so that I can kill Ravana.
Shiva said - Ravana is my devotee. He brought forth his doom by abducting Sita. He will die in the battle. Go to Lanka and finish your task.
Rama started his journey with Lakshmana, who were followed by Sugriva and Vibhishana.
The air was ripe with the sounds of Victory to Rama.
The demons hearing this went to Ravana.
Nala said I am an ordinary vanara. There are bigger heroic vanaras in the group. How can I say something in front of them. Let me tell about my childhood days. I used to live near the lake Mansarovara. Brahma used to come to meditate at the banks of lake. I used to throw Brahma's kushi (a copper spoon used for worship) in the waters of the lake. Everyday Brahma would get a new kushi, and everyday I would throw it in the water. Brahma then said whatever you throw in the water anywhere, will float. If touched rocks and trees together, they would stick to each other. Brahma's boon will help me build a bridge for you. Let the vanaras get boulders, rocks and trees. I will use that to build a bridge in a month.
Sand, trees and rocks were thrown in the ocean and they stuck together and floated. Thus in a day, one yojana was finished. Taking the name of Rama, the vanaras began getting hills which were broken into pieces and placed in the ocean.
In places, on the bridge, small huts were built for Rama to stay in. The work proceeded smoothly.
Hanumana got a hill for Nala, and Nala took it using his left hand. This angered Hanumana. He got a huge mountain, broke it into two - and taking one part in his tail and the other in his hand, he moved swiftly towards Nala. Nala sensed Hanumana was angry, so he went to Rama and asked for help. Hanumana did not dare cross over Rama, so he came down and placed the mountain pieces there. Rama asked Hanumana the cause of his anger. Hanumana said when he got the rocks for Nala, he took them using his left hand, which was not a good sign.
Rama said do not loose your temper. A worker uses his left hand more and that should not anger you. Please concentrate on the actual objective. Rama had Nala and Hanumana hug each other and forget their differences. The mountain pieces that Hanumana had got were put on the bridge. Ten yojanas of the bridge became ready.
A bunch of squirrels seeing this decided to help. They rolled in the sand and went to the bridge and went and threw that sand there, filling the gaps.
Hanumana seeing this removed the squirrels from there. The squirrels went to Rama and told him that Hanumana was not letting them help.
Rama called Hanumana and told him what he had done was not good. Everyone was helping as much as they could and their efforts should be appreciated.
Hanumana realized his mistake.
Rama then placed his hand over the squirrel.
Hanumana went and told the other vanaras not to say anything to the squirrels.
Seventy yojanas were bridged in twenty days. Hanumana then jumped over to Lanka, broke pieces of the fencing and got that for the bridge building.
In a month, the bridge was built.
With the bridge completed, Nala went to Rama and reported the same. Rama pleased said I do not have anything to give you now except my blessing. When I am in Ayodhya, I will give you rare precious gems.
Nala said I do not need that. I need something else, which is priceless. I want you to place your foot my head- the foot that Lakshmi worships.
Ramam placed his right foot on Nala's head.
Ramam then said Let us all go to the bridge which Hanumana was guarding. Rama with Sugriva and Vibhishana went to the bridge.
Rama then said to Nala - Please erect a small place where I plan to worship Shiva. A small enclosure was made on the bridge and a white Shiva Linga was constructed there. Rama asked Hanumana to get him white lotuses. Hanumana set forth for Kailasha where the lotuses bloomed. Plucking a thousand lotus flowers, Hanumana got them for Rama.
Rama began his worship. Shiva came there and held his hands saying Why do you worship me Rama, when I worship you.
Rama said You are my Lord and I am a devotee of yours. Please accept my worship so that I can kill Ravana.
Shiva said - Ravana is my devotee. He brought forth his doom by abducting Sita. He will die in the battle. Go to Lanka and finish your task.
Rama started his journey with Lakshmana, who were followed by Sugriva and Vibhishana.
The air was ripe with the sounds of Victory to Rama.
The demons hearing this went to Ravana.
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