Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Trijata's dream and Hanumana meets Sita

Out of the rakshasis there was one called Trijata who had problems keeping awake at night. She had slept off and woke up having had a nightmare. She went to the rakshasis who were tormenting Sita and drove them away. She said Sita would bring upon their downfall. She said she would tell them about the dream that she had. Leaving Sita, they all went to listen to the wise Trijata. Trijata said - I saw an old dark woman dressed in red. She had a noose around Ravana's neck. She was rubbing dark ink on Kumbhakarna's face. She was setting fire to Lanka. Rama and Lakshmana were there to rescue Sita and were leaving on the Pushkpaka,  This dream seems to be something that will come true. Leave Sita alone.

Hanumana, sitting on the tree laughed hearing this. The rakshasis slowly went off to their homes and left Sita alone. This was the chance for Hanumana. He wondered how he would address Sita. If he said he was Rama's messenger, that would probably not be the right way. Wondering what to do, he started telling the story of Rama, sitting on the tree, loud enough for Sita to hear.

Hearing the name of Rama, Sita looked up and saw a small monkey on the tree. Hanumana folded his hands and Sita said I think you are a spy of Ravana, sent to tempt me. If you are truly a messenger of Rama, then from today you will become immortal. Weapons will not harm you. Fire will not destroy you.

Hanumana started praising Rama. He then told Sita what had happened from the time Rama had gone after Maricha. He spoke about Sugriva, about Sampati and about his crossing the ocean. He then said if she was still not convinced, he had proof from Rama and would share the same with her. Hanumana came down and gave Sita, Rama's ring, which Sita took with folded hands. She had tears in her eyes. She then told Hanumana what she knew. Vibhishana, Ravana's brother, was a religious person and he had asked Ravana many times to return her back. There was a rakshasa called Arvind who had also advised Ravana. Vibhishana's daughter, Sananda, sent her mother to come and take care of Sita. From her, Sita said, she had heard that Ravana would not return her without war.

Hanumana said Please climb on my back, I will take you across to Rama. Sita said you are so small, how will you take me? With a smile, Hanumana started increasing his size till his tail touched the skies. Sita said I am amazed to see you. Now I wonder if I will be able to hold on to you while you cross the ocean. What if I fall in the sea? Please return to your original form, as this is scaring me. Let Rama come and rescue me, and take me away.

Hanumana resumed his normal form. Sita said Please inform all at home about my plight. Please tell them I have only two months left, after which Ravana will kill me.

With tears in his eyes, Hanumana said Mother, do not grieve. I will go back and within a month Rama will come to Lanka.
Sita pulled a jewel out of her hair and gave that to Hanumana. She asked him to give that to Rama.
Hanumana decided to return back. He then thought it would be fun to meet Ravana and then go away.

Sita said to Hanumana that there were mango trees in the garden and he could have the fruits. She also asked him to be careful as the rakshasas would come and attack him. Hanumana said there was no cause to worry.  Sita pointed out to the trees.

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