Ravana made an announcement - Any one who knows how to hold a bow, come with me. I will enter the battlefield.
Getting his army and generals, Ravana set forth for the battle. He climbed on his gem studded chariot, stacked with various weapons. A massive noise was created when the musicians played instruments, celebrating Ravana's journey. The wind lowered its intensity and became a gentle breeze and the sun also mellowed down its rays. This happened as they were scared of Ravana.
Rama saw Ravana's crown shining in the sunlight. He asked Vibhishana who was this who was approaching. Vibhishana said it was Ravana coming, riding on a chariot designed by Brahma. He had got this by defeating Kubera.
Getting his army and generals, Ravana set forth for the battle. He climbed on his gem studded chariot, stacked with various weapons. A massive noise was created when the musicians played instruments, celebrating Ravana's journey. The wind lowered its intensity and became a gentle breeze and the sun also mellowed down its rays. This happened as they were scared of Ravana.
Rama saw Ravana's crown shining in the sunlight. He asked Vibhishana who was this who was approaching. Vibhishana said it was Ravana coming, riding on a chariot designed by Brahma. He had got this by defeating Kubera.
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