Hanumana was spotted by Simhika, the rakshashi as he was on his way. Hanuman was huge in size, Simhika thought this would make a good meal for her. She had the power to capture her prey by grabbing its shadow,. She grabbed the shadow of Hanumana and started dragging it towards her mouth.
In the sky, Hanumana wondered why his speed had slowed down. He looked around and could not see anything. Lookimg downwards, he saw the rakshashi pulling him, using his shadow. He realized he needed to do something. Making himself tine, he quickly entered the mouth of Simhika. Going inside her body, Hanumana tore her heart out and then made a hole in the body and came out. Simhika died and the creatures of the ocean made a meal out of that.
The Gods blessed Hanumana. They said they had stopped travelling over the air as they were afraid of Simhika. Now, having gotten rid of Simhika, Hanumana had done everyone a big favor.
Going forward, Hanumana saw the shores of Lanka. He decided to make his size smaller and jumped onto the sands of the beach of Lanka.
The moment Hanumana landed in Lanka, Ravana's left eye started throbbing. Something bad was to happen. Sita's left eye also throbbed. Something good was to happen.
Hanumana, having traveled a great distance was not tired at all.
In the sky, Hanumana wondered why his speed had slowed down. He looked around and could not see anything. Lookimg downwards, he saw the rakshashi pulling him, using his shadow. He realized he needed to do something. Making himself tine, he quickly entered the mouth of Simhika. Going inside her body, Hanumana tore her heart out and then made a hole in the body and came out. Simhika died and the creatures of the ocean made a meal out of that.
The Gods blessed Hanumana. They said they had stopped travelling over the air as they were afraid of Simhika. Now, having gotten rid of Simhika, Hanumana had done everyone a big favor.
Going forward, Hanumana saw the shores of Lanka. He decided to make his size smaller and jumped onto the sands of the beach of Lanka.
The moment Hanumana landed in Lanka, Ravana's left eye started throbbing. Something bad was to happen. Sita's left eye also throbbed. Something good was to happen.
Hanumana, having traveled a great distance was not tired at all.
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